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Jake was born in sunny Queensland, Australia. His parents worked in youth drug and rehabilitation roles, moving him and his two brothers to various cities over his childhood. Growing up, Jake devoured book after book, using them as a means to escape into fantastical worlds.

Upon graduating school, he started a job in retail, with the mindset of it being a temporary stage in his life and moving on to bigger and better things soon. Eleven years passed and Jake is still working as a retail manager. Throughout that time, he has dabbled in many creative fields, including modelling, and is currently a signed model.

The idea of Whisper of Shadows and Snakes came to Jake in 2008, when he was just fourteen. Inspired by books such as The Lord Of The Rings and Eragon, he spent many days at the family computer typing out his story, until finally, it was complete.

The book was then shelved, saved to a file on Jake’s computer for eleven years until 2019 when he decided to re-write it with a more mature take on the characters that had only ever existed in his mind. Fast forward a few years and multiple title changes later, and his debut novel is officially published. 

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